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Meatball ,With stuffing
Location:Home-Samples- Meatball ,With stuffing

Peach Buns with Crab Roes

Peach Buns with Crab Roes -- -- frozen, in spring, shrimp, squid fish roe paste refined products invagination, is nine and nine group's high-end series of products of fish. The components include: natural marine fish, water, starch, shrimp, tomato sauce, fish, squid, seaweed, carrot, white sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, vegetable oil, vinegar, mustard, food additives, (NATURAL paprika red, 5 ` - flavor nucleotides two sodium, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium pyrophosphate, edible flavor).


Nutritional value: rich in protein, dietary fiber, vitamin A (48 mg) of carotene, vitamin A, carotene, vitamin E and other quality nutrition. Shrimp: compared with fish meat, less fat content, and contain almost no as an energy source in animal sugar, cholesterol content of shrimp point higher, also contains rich can reduce cholesterol in human serum taurine, trace elements, shrimp is also rich in potassium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin A. Multi spring fish: contains nutrients globulin, ovalbumin, ovomucoid and fish scales protein needed by the body, but also taste delicious. Squid: in addition to rich in protein and amino acids required for the human body, the squid is also rich in taurine, can inhibit the cholesterol content in the blood, relieve fatigue, restore vision, improve liver function, but because this kind of aquatic product nature of cold, spleen deficiency people should eat less. Seaweed: contains vitamin A and vitamin E, and a small amount of vitamin C, in addition, also contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, iodine, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, with growth promoting bone, teeth, and can help the body maintain acid-base balance of body.

Ingredients: natural marine fish, water, starch, shrimp, tomato sauce, fish, squid, seaweed, carrot, sugar, salt, MSG, oil, vinegar, mustard, plant, food additives (NATURAL paprika red, 5 ` - flavor nucleotides two sodium, sodium tripolyphosphate, Jiao Lin acid sodium salt, edible flavor)

Characteristics: crisp shrimp meat with Crab Roe Salad, sweet and sour taste, not enjoy the same general taste buds.

Diet: fried shrimp crab roe on materials: burning bamboo wheel, Chinese cabbage, shrimp, clams, frozen tofu, Crab Roe Salad shrimp, squid, some Hot pot material, straw mushroom, fresh ginger, onions, seafood Hot pot broth powder, water practices: 1, all materials will burn bamboo wheel wash, cut into sections, large cabbage cut, frozen fish frozen squid slice mushroom, cut, cut in half, cut green onions, ginger slice standby; 2, to prepare a pot of boiling water into the pot boil for a short time, the cabbage hot until soft, picked up the spare, then shrimp, clams, squid, mushroom soup hot were also picked up the spare; 3, water pot plus seasoning, then add the fish and other small fire slowly simmer about which can be cooked, add some sesame oil, pepper flavor.